Friday, September 12, 2008

The Duck Has Left The Building...and a Wellness Update

Last night when I called Heather on my way home she informed me that our duck had flown away. She (the duck, not Heather) had been practicing her flying all week. We were kind of sad and unsure if she is actually ready to be on her own in the world. If this is what it feels like when your kids move out then I am glad to be in a pets only household.

Wellness Update
We are approaching the end of the first week of Wellness Challenge 2. Two and a half cups of veggies is proving harder for me than it was for Wellness Challenge 1. I also have a lot of crunches to catch up on over the weekend. I hope everyone is enjoying the contest and remembering that the real prize of the wellness challenge is your own personal wellness. This is especially imprtant since you are all playing for second place. Beauty and the Geek rules!

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