Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Big EHR Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a big day for the multiple EHR teams. The EPM core team meets from 8am to 9am. The EHR leadership team meets from 9am to 11am. The EMR core team has its first meeting ever from 11am to 1pm. All of these meetings are in the third floor conference room.

"To EHR and Beyond!"

Monday, February 25, 2008

Employee of the Year - Amber Van Kirk

Congratulations to Amber Van Kirk, OneWorld's Employee of the Year for 2007. Amber is a nurse and a diabetic educator. It is quite an honor to be voted as employee of the year in an organization of almost 140 employees. Click here for a list of all of the employee of the month winners for 2007. Remember that anyone can nominate an employee for employee of the month. The form is available here or on the "F" drive under forms or by contacting Beth Drick in Human Resources.
Amber was gracious enough to spend a few minutes with the OneWorld Herald to answer a few questions and give all of you faithful readers a chance to get to know her better.
Interview with Amber Van Kirk
OWH: Hi Amber, congratulations on the award.
AVK: Thanks, I get kind of embarrassed by all the attention.
OWH: You deserve it. How long have you been at OneWorld?
AVK: Just about three years. I did my preceptorship at OneWorld back when it was still the Indian-Chicano Health Center almost seven years ago. The main person I worked with was Courtney Allen and also did a lot of work with Jerry McGuire.
OWH: Where did you go to college and what is your degree in?
AVK: I got my BSN from Creighton University in 2001.
OWH: Have you always wanted to be a nurse?
AVK: Yes, absolutely. My mom and my grandma are both nurses. My mom is the nursing director for the Cardiac Cath Lab at Bryan/LGH in Lincoln. There are pictures of me dressed up as a nurse when I was little so I guess I never even thought twice about it.
OWH: Tell us a little bit about your childhood.
AVK: I was born in Sioux City, IA and we moved to Lincoln when I was in the first grade. I attended St. Joseph's Elementary School (Interestingly enough, Amber took religion and PE from my uncle Jerry while there) and St. Pius High School. I graduated from Pius in 1997.
OWH: Did you take Spanish in high school?
AVK: I only had two years there. It was very introductory.
OWH: So when did you learn to speak Spanish?
AVK: I participated in the ILAC (Institute for Latin American Concern) while I was at Creighton. Sarah Miller and Nick Flattery were in the same program. I always new that I wanted to work in some aspect of community health.
OWH: So you learned there?
AVK: Not totally. Most of what I learned I picked up in the Dominican Republic. After I graduated I moved to a small town near Brownsville, TX. I was a volunteer with Americorps for one year and worked at a birthing clinic. I learned a lot more there. When I completed my one year committment there I moved to the Dominican Republic. I lived there for a year and a half. During this time most of my work was centered around health promotion, things like water safety, nutrition...
OWH: Tell us a little bit about your current role as a diabetic educator and why you decided you wanted to do that.
AVK: My passion has always been in health education. While working as a nurse I sometimes feel like our interaction with the patients is too short. I wanted to be able to sit and talk with them and be able to help them make choices that would positively affect their health. I still work a couple of days each week as a nurse in the clinic.
OWH: Has there been anyone who has really influence you during your time here at OW?
AVK: The have been lots of people but Jerry McGuire is the one that stands out the most. It is neat to work around someone who works so tirelessly with and for our patients. He is a true inspiration.
OWH: Any childen or pets?
AVK: No pets. I have a daughter Hanila who will be four years old in March. She was born on the same day I was. It is kind of neat because I don't have to focus on getting older or my birthday. Now it's all about her.
OWH: What is your favorite TV show?
AVK: (Looks at me with a puzzled look) I don't really watch television.
OWH: What is the last book that you read?
AVK: "A Long Way Gone" It is about a child soldier in Africa. Very good book but pretty depressing.
OWH: What types of things do you like to do when you are not working?
AVK: Drawing, running, and camping. I took my daughter camping four times last year. She loves it and so do I.
OWH: Do you have any patient stories that stand out from your time here?
AVK: I once saw a mother in triage who had brought her daughter in because she wasn't doing well. She appeared to be about two years old. Her husband had been killed in a car accident and the mom was so concerned for the daughter and didn't have anywhere to go. I talked to her and found out that the daughter was actually five years old and was severely undernourished. She was not eating because her teeth were rotten. I got her an appointment right away with Dr. McVea and Dr. McVea treated her and got her hooked up with one of our social workers. This was almost three years ago and today the girl is doing well and is still a patient here at OneWorld.
OWH: That's a great story. Thanks for taking the time to sit with us today.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

SWAT Update

According to my spies, the SWAT Team has been very busy executing their mission of spreading successful ideas for change that have been tested and identified as priorities throughout the different teams and departments in the organization. (The blog interface doesn't have grammar check but I bet that's a run on sentence.)

There are two PSDA's (Plan Do Study Act) that SWAT is currently working on spreading. The first one has to do with communication. They are replacing the assorted curling pieces of paper that get taped up in various locations with nice sign holders in more strategic locations. You may see these appear in employee restrooms (captive audience) and also in HA check in rooms. Spontaneous research shows that 9 out of 10 successful organizations use alternative means of communication like this to spread information to their teams. One example of a place where this has been successful is at Children's Hospital.

The other PDSA they are working on right now is radio use. They are trying out the idea of team radios rather than assigning radios to an individual. The radios will be stored in a common area for that team and will be color coded. The common area serves as a central meeting place for the team before the start of each shift and the color coding of the radios is designed to thwart the radio gremlins that sneak in after midnight and misplace radios.

If you have forgotten who or what the SWAT Team is you can follow the link for SWAT 101. If you have other ideas to spread successful PDSA's feel free to mention it to one of the team members.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

EPM Core Group Minutes

The EPM Core group met today. The minutes from the meeting are available right here. Enjoy.

Open House at Cass Family Medicine

There will be an open house at Cass Family Medicine on February 26th from 4-6pm. The will be food, refreshments and an opportunity to see the new clinic and talk to the staff there. The address there is 409 Main St. in Plattsmouth. Their phone number is 296-2345. A map to the clinic can be found here. See you there.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

EPM Core Group Training

The EPM core team has just completed a three day training class called Definition Workshop Training with our trainer Julie Baggs. The training focused on the practice management portion of NextGen. We went through each of the tables, learned what type of information is housed in each, and received instruction on how to populate them with the data from our clinic. Our task now is to take this information and spend the next three weeks actually setting up each of the tables and templates for our use.

Many thanks to each of the team members for your hard work in completing the required e-learning modules prior to the training and also for clearing your schedules for the last three days. Our implementation will go much smoother due to your willingness to contribute your time, knowledge, and skills to this process.

Some Bad News and Some Good News

The bad news is that Jodi Hall is leaving us for a position with the Girl Scouts. We wish her luck with that and all of her future endeavors. Stop in the admin offices and wish her well if you get a chance.

The good news is that she has a really cute dog named Taco. Taco got his name because for the first week that she had him he wouldn't eat or do anything until one night Jodi made tacos for dinner. He got excited, had some and has been interacting happily with the family ever since. Taco likes meeting new friends, climbing fences, and long walks on the beach.

Monday, February 11, 2008

EPM Core Group Training Tomorrow

EPM Core Group training starts tomorrow at 9am in the dental conference room. The training will last through Thursday. The core group members will be trained on how to properly set up the system and modify system settings in the future.
This is the point where I should write something neat that ties into the picture on the left like "The EHR ship is taking off. Everyone better get on board now!" or "With this new EHR we are entering the space age!" and then all of you loyal readers would be inspired. But...since I can't say any of that with a straight face I would like to propose that you send me your slogans for the EHR project. I appreciate funny entries as well as serious ones. The winner of the slogan contest will get something (?) with the slogan printed on it.


Yesterday there was a pug-union (pug reunion) at Lupe Moreno's house. Mom recognized each of her babies, Pug Z, Chato-Max, Smokey, and Flash. All the pug kids and parents had such a good time that they went home and crashed all night.

Friday, February 8, 2008

How much data will we have to re-enter into the NextGen?

One question that you may be interested in is how much of the existing data that is in MDServe will we have to re-enter into NextGen. The answer is that we will be exporting basic patient demographic data into the new system. This will include name, DOB, address, phone, chart #... It will not include any insurance or financial information. People will be required by NextGen to confirm all of this information with the patients when they register for the first time after the conversion.

I don't know that we have said it publicly yet but the projected go live date for the practice management (EPM) portion of NextGen is 4/29/08. We have not yet decided on a date for the EHR part but will let you know as soon as we have one.

Also, I neglected to post the minutes of our EPM meeting this week on Wednesday so for those of you who are interested they can be found here.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another Milestone

We have passed another milestone in our journey towards an EHR. This week Jeremy finished installing the new servers that will run NextGen and a guy from NextGen came to the clinic and installed the EHR software on the new servers. Jeremy did a huge amount of work in researching, getting bids, purchasing, and setting up these servers is huge and he got it all done on a short timeline, and set them up perfectly according to the guy from NextGen.

I took a couple of pictures of his office while he was getting the servers configured. I asked him for a quote for the blog and his quote was "Leave me alone please." He's so funny! I am sure he was kidding.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


In the spirit of communication, redesign, and good acronyms we now have a new group at OneWorld. Our newest team is charged with spreading the redesign changes delineated by the provider and leadership groups to other staff members. Despite Dr. Hennessy's repeated attempts to get the team name to have "something to do with ninjas" they have decided to be known as the SWAT team. SWAT stands for Spreading Word Across Teams. The group will be meeting weekly to discuss strategy for spreading successful changes throughout the clinic.

As background info for our faithful readers who may not know, redesign can be defined as a forward thinking approach to providing quality accessible care in the most efficient way possible. It is a name for a process designed to help us get better at what we do.

The team members are:
1. Donna Faber
2. Hector Uribe
3. Susie Urbano
4. Sarah Miller
5. Maria Cortes
6. Crystal Zubia
7. Dr. Hennessy
8. Dr. Inciarte
9. Michelle Garcia
10. Arceli Ayala
11. Celia Blizzard

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One of Lisa's Kids

Ms. Tillie joined the Gentes family from a puppy mill rescue. She now lives a life of luxury at Lisa's house with warm blankets, homemade organic dog treats, and an occasional snuggle with a friendly cat.