Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another Milestone

We have passed another milestone in our journey towards an EHR. This week Jeremy finished installing the new servers that will run NextGen and a guy from NextGen came to the clinic and installed the EHR software on the new servers. Jeremy did a huge amount of work in researching, getting bids, purchasing, and setting up these servers is huge and he got it all done on a short timeline, and set them up perfectly according to the guy from NextGen.

I took a couple of pictures of his office while he was getting the servers configured. I asked him for a quote for the blog and his quote was "Leave me alone please." He's so funny! I am sure he was kidding.


KMcVea said...

I am sure that Jeremy is busy working on our Mixed Citrix environment. LOL

Joel Dougherty said...

I wonder what kind of wireless infrastructure he will decide to implement.

Jodi Hall said...

Great job Jeremy. This was a huge task that you accomplished with your typical professionalism!