Monday, November 15, 2010

Throw Pillows!#@$*&!

They say that after you live with a dog long enough you may start to look like each other or act like each other. If there is one thing that Oscar and I have in common (besides our love of snacking in between meals) it's our mutual dislike of, and confusion by, throw pillows. They aren't quite comfortable enough to use but we know we aren't supposed to throw them on the floor in disgust. Any ideas on what to do with our throw pillows?

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Dear Joel ~

First of all, Oscar is adorable. My name is Rhonda, I'm an old friend of Heather's from our college days. Unfortunately, her and I have not spoken in quite a while. Since the last time, we adopted a dog, Boo (11), had a daughter, Lena (9) and a son, Brett (4 1/2). We are still in PA. Please tell Heather that I wish her the best and I hope she is happy. If she is interested, she may contact me at I couldn't find contact information for her. Thanks! Take Care!