Friday, June 6, 2008

Wellness Challenge Update

Here are the wellness totals so far in the competition. There are only a few weeks left so lets keep up the good work. Remember that you can get 20 bonus points for your team by turning in your point totals by 5pm each Monday. Congratulations to the Incredibles for re-entering the top ten.

Final Four 2555
Real Chicks 2116
4 Fantastic Women 2098
Part Timers 1635
Team Cass 1598
Ladybugs 1498
OW Angels 1482
Emeralds 1288
Ghost 1234
The Incredibles 1152
Butterflies 1139
Team WIC 1122
Steamrollers 1035
Screaming Monkeys 987
Thunderbolts 952
Chivos Activos 946
The Zappers 764
Rockstarz 561

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