Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pink Team is Losing a Member

An important member of Patient Support is leaving us. Veronica Ibarra has worked at OneWorld for over three years and her last day is this Tuesday the 24th. She and her family are moving to California to explore opportunities out there. She has been an instrumental part of patient support leading up the Hope referrals for two years and then being the first radiology tech and a huge part of the successful opening of our radiology department. Veronica is always there with good ideas on how to improve the department as well as witty and occasionally funny comments. Thanks for lending OneWorld your skills over the last three years and we wish you luck and know that you will be successful in the future.

Flooding at Iowa Health Center

The picture here is from a health center in the Iowa/Nebraska Primary Care Association that OneWorld belongs to. This is one of the clinics for the Community Health Centers of Southeast Iowa. The site had only been open for one month and is probably a total loss. OneWorld has offered the use of our Ronald MCdonal Caremobile to help them get back up and running as soon as possible and we are awaiting word whether they will take us up on that offer. There are two other health centers in the IANEPCA group that have had to be relocated as well.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Thank you to everyone for making the retreat a worthwhile experience. Thanks especially to Teawna Bell for organizing this day. I received an anonymous haiku that I want to share with you. If you have your own OneWorld haik please send it to me and it may be published.

OneWorld is awesome
Helping patients every day
Come here, feel better

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wellness Challenge Update

Here are the wellness totals so far in the competition. There are only a few weeks left so lets keep up the good work. Remember that you can get 20 bonus points for your team by turning in your point totals by 5pm each Monday. Congratulations to the Incredibles for re-entering the top ten.

Final Four 2555
Real Chicks 2116
4 Fantastic Women 2098
Part Timers 1635
Team Cass 1598
Ladybugs 1498
OW Angels 1482
Emeralds 1288
Ghost 1234
The Incredibles 1152
Butterflies 1139
Team WIC 1122
Steamrollers 1035
Screaming Monkeys 987
Thunderbolts 952
Chivos Activos 946
The Zappers 764
Rockstarz 561