Monday, March 10, 2008

National Registered Dieitians' Day

Apparently blogging is a lot like exercising, if you take a couple of days off it's hard to get started again. I apologize for my absence and will attempt to get back on track.

Today, March 10th, is National Registered Deiticians Day. OW has many registered dieticians on staff at our WIC clinic at 25th and L. This clinic is the state's busiest WIC clinic. The dieticians there are listed below. Our thanks and appreciation go our to all of them for their hard work and dedication that they bring to OneWorld and the WIC clinic each day.

Grace Sourile, BA, MS: Grace attended the University of Indiana & University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She lived and and worked with Upick Tribe in WIC Alaska for 6 years, has lived in and visited a total of 37 of the U.S. states.

Amber Lothridge, BSc, RD: UNL. Amber was born in England and lived in Greece for 1 year and can name all the capitals of each state in the U.S, even Vermont.

Melissa Hines, BSc, RD LMNT: UNL & Baylor University Medical Center TX. Melissa likes to run cross country and was born with a different first name.

Lisa Steinbach, MS, RD, LMNT: UNL & University of Central Oklahoma. Lisa's nickname is "Cole Trickle" after the race car driver in Days of Thunder...hmm I wonder why?

Dawn Ballosingh, MPA, RD, LMNT: UNO & UNL. Dawn played keyboards with Carlos Santana during the summer concert series in South Beach , Miami and played keyboards for Inner Circle at the Cleavlander when they first debut their single "Bad Boys".

Stephanie Thorson, MS. College of the Ozarks & UNL. Stephanie lived in Honduras for 2 years and during that time learned to make cheese and weave on a traditional loom.

1 comment:

Dawn Ballosingh said...

According to Douglas County Health Department the OneWorld WIC clinic,in the month of February became the WIC clinic with the highest number of participants in the state and had 80% of its clients seen for their follow-up appointments over a 6 month period of time.

Way to go WIC staff you so ROCK!!!