Thursday, January 24, 2008

EHR Core Group Announced

As I mentioned in a previous post, the EHR Project will have two core implementation teams. There will be a team for the Practice Management part of the program and a team for the Health Record part of the program.

I am happy to announce the members of the EHR (Electronic Health Record) Core Team. Please do not read anything into any specific person's inclusion on this team or exclusion from this team. This is just a group of people with special skill sets that will be assisting in the setup of the system and who will be experiencing some online training before the main group. We are very fortunate in that we have many areas of our organization where there are lots of extremely qualified people and we had to pick one. We will still be needing help from everyone and you may be asked to attend one or more of these core group meetings based on what we expect the topic of the day to be. When we have a date and time for the kickoff meeting we will let everyone involved know.

EHR Core Team
Kris McVea - Provider
Hans Dethlefs - Provider
Michelle Linbo - Data Coordinator (starts 2/11/08)
Celia Blizzard - Nursing
Nikki Horton-Brown - Provider
Sarah Dworak - Operations
Rebecca Gil - HA/Lab
Veronica Martinez-Loya - Nursing
Jeremy Holt - IT
Courtney Allen - Provider
Alicia Lagunas - PT Support
Layne Prest - Provider, Behavioral Health
Therese Hennessy - Provider
Joel Dougherty - Operations

Thanks to all of these people for agreeing to be a part of this team!

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