I don't think I have really blogged much about the OneWorld Wellness Challenge so far so here it goes. On April 7th we started a 12 week wellness challenge here at OneWorld. The idea of the challenge was hatched and developed by the C&C committee. The purpose of the challenge as written so eloquently by Valerie "Words" Niemeyer is to
"support each other in developing lifestyle habits that form us into healthier and happier human beings."Seventy-two staff members signed up and were broken into 18 4-person teams. Each team member keeps track of his or her physical activities for the week and then turns in (sometimes) their log each Monday. When we started this project we knew that we would be hiring a Wellness and Training coordinator but did not want to wait for that person to be hired to start the program. Teawna Bell has been hired to fill this position and has taken over the administration of the wellness program and is doing a wonderful job.
The Top Ten after week 6 is:
Final Four - 1873
Real Chicks - 1570
Four Fantastic Women - 1565
Part-Timers - 1258
OneWorld Angels - 1216
Team Cass - 1177
Lady Bugs - 1000
Butterflies - 933
Emeralds - 923
Ghost - 898
There will be a meeting this Friday at 12:00 in the first floor conference room to review the program so far and to ask questions and make suggestions for the next wellness challenge. Please plan on attending and sharing your input. There will be sugared drinks provided for those of you on a different team than me. See you there.